Flagship services

Leaders & Team Wellbeing

We bring leaders together to share and open-up dialogue about individual and collective wellbeing.

Workshops to immerse users in The Four Elements and used to develop wellbeing strategies to implement into the workplace.

shaping a global culture of wellbeing in the world of work

Empowering worldwide leaders and teams to cultivate a culture of wellbeing through a series of products; surveys, workshops, and technology that to empowers individuals, cultivate inclusive and empowered teams, and shapes a global culture of wellbeing in the world of work.

How would you like to support your leaders & teams?

Supporting Leaders

Building a Culture of Wellbeing by Up-Skilling Leaders for Team Support

We recognize the critical role that leaders play in creating a culture of wellbeing within their teams. We understand that leaders want to prioritize the wellbeing of their team members, but there is often a competency and capacity gap that hinders their ability to effectively support their people. 

Our vision is to bridge this gap by offering a comprehensive workshop and a series of resources and products that empower leaders to up-skill themselves and develop the necessary competencies to foster a culture of wellbeing within their teams.

The Leading with wellbeing workshop

This workshop is designed to equip individual leaders with the knowledge, skills, and strategies they need to prioritize and support the wellbeing of their team members. The workshop covers the following key areas:

  • Understanding Wellbeing: Providing leaders with a deep understanding of the concept of wellbeing and its significance in the workplace.
  • Self-awareness and Self-care: Helping leaders cultivate self-awareness and self-care practices to enhance their own wellbeing, enabling them to lead by example.
  • Creating a Supportive Environment: Equipping leaders with the tools to create a psychologically safe and inclusive work environment that fosters wellbeing.
  • Communication and Empathy: Developing leaders' communication and empathy skills to effectively engage with and support their team members.
  • Resilience and Stress Management: Empowering leaders to build personal resilience and effectively manage stress, enabling them to guide their teams through challenging situations.
  • Coaching and Feedback: Providing leaders with coaching techniques and strategies to facilitate growth, development, and wellbeing within their teams.
  • Sustainable Wellbeing Practices: Introducing leaders to sustainable practices that promote ongoing wellbeing for themselves and their teams.

Supporting teams

Empowering Leaders + Transforming Teams

The team wellbeing experience

Empower leaders, teams and organizations to improve the health and wellbeing of their people. Creating a culture of wellbeing.

1. Discovery Session
Through an immersive virtual session, we connect with key personnel within the team who share a common desire to enhance the wellbeing of their people. This pivotal session allows us to deeply understand the team's pain points and needs, serving as the foundation for the rest of the product delivery. We provide clear format guidelines, comprehensive deliverer notes, and customizable templates for effective communication, marketing, and sales.

2. Insights and Engagement
Building upon the Discovery session, we deliver a survey with active involvement from key leaders. This survey captures valuable insights and feedback to refine our approach, ensuring that our product aligns with the team's specific needs. We enhance the survey, develop additional communication materials, and streamline the process for maximum engagement.

3. Roundtable: Transformative Session
Our signature session, ‘Catalyst for Wellbeing’, is designed to bring about transformative change within the team. Guided by our formulas; the 4As (Awareness, Assessment, Action, Accountability), the 4Es (Education, Engagement, Empowerment, Evaluation), and the Evidence-Based Best Practices (EBB), this dynamic and interactive roundtable equips leaders with practical tools, strategies, and resources tailored to the team's unique challenges and goals. We emphasize flexibility within the session format to accommodate the insights gained during the Discovery and Survey phases. Let's unleash our creativity and give this session an impactful new name that reflects its transformative nature.

4. Playbook
The Playbook is a path to sustainable success and the culmination of our efforts, serving as the ultimate resource for the team's journey towards optimal wellbeing. It is a comprehensive report, workbook, and reference tool that empowers leaders and team members alike. This innovative guide, developed from scratch, provides actionable steps, exercises, and insights tailored to the team's specific needs and challenges. Moreover, the Playbook lays the foundation for future product expansions, opening doors to further growth and development.

benefits of Leader & Team Wellbeing

Enhanced Leadership Abilities

Help leaders refine their abilities and become more effective in leading their teams. Learn new techniques, tools, and strategies that can help them become more effective in their roles.

By enhancing leadership abilities, leaders can motivate their teams, foster a positive work environment, and drive organizational success in today's rapidly changing business landscape.

Team Building

Involve activities and exercises that promote collaboration, teamwork, and trust among team members. Through interactive sessions, teams can develop a better understanding of each other's strengths, weaknesses, and working styles. This improved understanding can enhance cooperation, promote effective communication, and foster a sense of unity and shared purpose within the team.

Increased Engagement & Satisfaction

Demonstrating a commitment to colleague growth can boost colleague engagement and satisfaction. Having access to workshops that help develop skills and advance careers, colleagues are more likely to feel valued and motivated. This, in turn, can lead to higher levels of productivity, improved morale, and reduced turnover.

in summary

We believe that by up-skilling leaders and providing them with the necessary resources and experiences, we can create a ripple effect, positively impacting the wellbeing and performance of individuals and teams across the organization.

TAKE YOUR FIRST STEP with pavelka...

A Discovery Session where we will explore:

  • Review your organization's current wellbeing needs and challenges.
  • Identify your organization's position on the wellbeing maturity matrix.
  • Introduction to the Pavelka 9-step wellbeing culture journey.
  • Personalised a 3-point wellbeing action plan for your organization.

PLUS!  Access to monthly 'Leading with Wellbeing' resources.